Executive Board (left to right):  Tiffany Parsons, John McDaniel, Kathy Parsons, and Jodie Goodman
Charlene League, Impact Director

The Organization:

Located in the heart of Carrollton, Georgia, Impact West GA is a nonprofit organization on a mission to to empower individuals and uplift an entire West Georgia community.  It is our aim to help vulnerable people in our community overcome tough challenges: homelessness, illiteracy, and access to healthcare.  When a father rebuilds his life, a mother learns to read, or a Veteran is healed, our entire community is uplifted.

HOPE Center is a holistic, transition program for men who desire to move from homelessness into their own homes and self-sufficient living.  Unlike a traditional homeless shelter, HOPE is a place men can call home, live with dignity, receive support, and can focus on rebuilding their lives.

Community Shelter: With your help, coming soon!
A warm and safe place to sleep for individual women, men, and families

DESERVE is free, wheelchair accessible healthcare transportation for local Veterans to and from their appointments at Trinka Davis VA Clinic, Tanner Medical Center, and other local medical facilities.  Regularly, DESERVE also transports Veterans for other wellbeing matters: grocery store, pharmacy, haircuts, etc.  Currently, we only have the capacity to serve Veterans living in Carroll County. With your help, we will expand and serve Veterans living in Haralson, Heard, and Douglas counties as well.
Adult & Community Education:

At ACE, we provide a variety of educational opportunities for all community members: reading & writing for adults, tutoring & homework help for children, free storybooks and reading programs/events for children, English for speakers of other languages, soft-skills & job hunting training for the un or under-employed, and a myriad of workshops throughout the year for the entire community ranging from financial literacy to healthy living and from faith-based studies to cultural interests.

a Christian-based organization

Simply, that means at the executive and administrative levels, Christ is our foundation and we seek to follow His guidance in all organizational decisions.  

We do not require any Man of HOPE, DESERVE Veteran, or ACE student to participate in any religious activity.

It is our prayer, however, that those we serve would see Christ in us and choose to follow Him.

What we believe: the basics

Our Board members, staff, and volunteers attend different churches and are affiliated with several different Christian denominations.  As with any group of humans, we don't agree on everything.   We do, however, agree on our foundational beliefs about Jesus Christ.  They are as follows:

Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God.
Jesus Christ took the punishment for all people's sin.*
Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
Jesus Christ ascended back to Heaven and is sitting at the right hand of God.
Jesus Christ will one day return to Earth.
Those who believe on/in Jesus Christ will spend eternity** with Him.

*sin: missing the mark of perfection established by God and evidenced by Jesus Christ.
**eternity: the afterlife that will never end.

Biblical basis for our beliefs:

Sin means to miss the mark of God's perfection; All people have sinned (Romans 3:23).

The penalty for sin is  death - separation from God (Romans 6:23a).  No human, except Jesus Christ, has ever been perfect.  Therefore, we all deserve to be separated from God.

But, God loves us and doesn't want to be separated from us.  He demonstrated His love by sending Christ to die and take the penalty for us (Romans 5:8).

As such, the free gift of God is eternal life with Him (Romans 6:23b).  He made a way for us to never-ever be separated from Him.

It's a free gift!  It's ours for the taking. The only thing we have to do is take it.  Just like a beautifully wrapped birthday present from a friend, it's free and it's for you.  But, for whatever is inside to actually be yours, you have to accept the gift.  Simply knowing about the gift doesn't make it yours, you have to take it.

Many Christians refer to receiving this free gift of eternal life as salvation or being saved.

So, how do we take it? How does one get saved?

The Bible says in Acts 16:31 Believe on the name of the Lord, and you will be saved.

Can it really be that easy?  YES!  And the Bible also tells that we can KNOW for sure in I John 5:13: "These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life."

Want more?

If you'd like to learn more about Jesus or salvation or what happens after one believes... we'd love to chat with you one-on-one or connect you with a church in your area.

Call us at (770) 834-4007 or click the Contact Us button below.
Impact West Ga
P.O. Box 1677 Carrollton, GA 30112